GeoJournal Week 3 - Volcanoes

 Hello everyone! I am very fascinated by volcanoes, so this week was a fun week for me! Our family has been to Yellowstone Park many times and we love to study the caldera, but more will be coming up with that later this semester. I decided this week to post a video I found about one of the most amazing areas you can visit in southeastern Idaho, Craters of the Moon. On the website, Crater's of the Moon is described as a "Vast ocean of lava flows with scattered islands of cinder cones and sagebrush." The lava flows there are spectacular to look at, and have even been used in the past to train NASA astronauts preparing for a trip to the moon. There are huge lava tube caves there that can be explored. It is an amazing place that is a short drive from where I live! I will let the video speak for itself. I hope you enjoy this brief introduction to one of the most fascinating places you can visit.


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